Speech W8 - Lesson 186

Listen and complete
A small correction

On day something very funny happened at a large factory. while the employees were in the a meeting, the supervisor looked at them very angrily and said: "Gentlemen, I have something to say to you. Half of you are idiots." Billy Jack, one of the employees, stood up and said: "Excuse-me sir. I didn't like what you said about us". "Very well", the supervisor said. "I'll correct my statement. Half of you are not idiots."
Thank you, sir. That's much better," said Billy Jack.

Circle The Best Option
1. I am so sick of handling everyone's problems, I think I'm going to be sick.
2. My boss thinks we should try to find someone more knowledgeable on the subject.
3. It  looks like he hasn't stopped job hunting yet since he is still unemployed.
4. Do you think she remembered to handle the paperwork?
5. Winning first place at the competition was the fulfillment of so many dreams.
6. I think he is starting to give his acceptance speech.

Building a Story

I'm so glad this days is over,
I'm so tired but happy at the same time.
Two different and very important customers
decide to show up at our company today
at the same time, and they both wanted to talk
specifically to me.
And you know both of them were not man you
could just leave in the waiting-room. 

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