Speech W2 - Lesson 02


1 - I speak english with my father.
2 - I don't eat cheese.
3 - I speak with my mother.
4 - You eat bread and ham.
5 - I don't speak spanish with  my daughter.
6 - I don't eat bread.
7 - I don't study french with my sister

Substitution practice:

1 - I speak portuguese with my brother.
2 - I don't speak with my sister.
3 - I drink a cup of tea, please.
4 - I don't eat meat of cheese, I eat bread.
5 - I don't speak french  with my father.
6 - I eat ham.
7 - I study english with my mother.
8 - I drink a glass of water. Thank you.

Written practice:

1 - I eat bread and cheese / I don't eat ham
2 - I don't drink juice / I drink soda
3 - I speak  portuguese with my father and with my brother.
4 - I don't study with your son.
5 - I speak english with my father and my mother.
6 - I don't eat fish / I eat meat
7 - I study with my children now
8 - I drink a glass of milk, please.


1 - I don't study / drink / eat
     I speak english with my father / daughter / mother
2 - You don't speak portuguese with your brother / friend / sister
      You study spanish with your father / brother / friend
3 - I don't drink coffee / soda / milk
     I don't speak english / spanish / french
4 - Good morning / afternoon / evening / night
     I study with my father / mother / friend
5 - You don't speak english with your mother / spanish / french
     I drink a cupo of coffee / milk / tea

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